Saturday, December 6, 2008

Uroboros no Wa

'What's really scary is hurting, hating and doubting someone, and thinking that as long as it's good for you, it doesn't really matter what happens to someone else - a selfish heart. From a superficial impression, one could easily think that the Uroboros' Circle is creepy, but actually, it's used as a symbol that depicts a pure and complete shape with neither a beginning nor an end. The mathematics symbol for infinity, the infinity mark, is also said to be derived from the Uroboros' Circle...'

zomg! it's such a creepy manga. i seriously had goosebumps the whole time i was reading it. if you can take scary stuff, i seriously recommend you read it. but do take my advice and don't read it at night which is what i did and i'm going to read some shoujo manga or watch some hot shot to neutralise my fear -shudders-


Saturday, November 29, 2008

NOTE: everyone who sees shirley's phone has to carefully read what her phone charm says! ^^

aiyah! i can't believe Borders raised the price of the the cheaper ohshc manga to $16.50 instead of $15.99! well... i figured like a couple of weeks ago but it still irritates me! i mangaed to refrain from buying manga TWICE! wow! i'm so proud of myself! ^^v well, i'm really hoping that i can find good cheap manga in singapore and i'll be in heaven (: really, the only reason i buy from borders is because they're the only bookstore that sells decent manga and not one piece like dymocks! no offence to dymocks fans but i have had bad experience from dymocks staff (and other bookstores too) when i ordered a manga with no problems but when i went to pick it up they said that there was nothing by the name i gave and that they didn't sell graphic novels (manga) but they obviously had one piece aka graphic novels! and the person 'helping' me told me to try the NEWSAGENCY! WTF!? why would the newsagency sell manga?

well, anyways, max brenner was really good although i was expecting something... more? i don't know... it was pretty funny when we were all trying to pose with our hug mugs. it was sandy's treat and it was really nice although we had to sit outside and inhale passing vehicles' wastes and passive smoke... ==" i really hate smokers with a passion because they pollute the air around them and also cause others to inhale the disgusting fumes around them making them even more prone to diseases than them! i really hope that i never fall in love with someone who smokes because i'll... well, i don't know what i would do. at least it hasn't happened...? who cares?

for once in my life i'm actually enjoying coaching...! i lol at hoang. he's so crazy it's hilarious. i'm starting to feel slightly smarter cuz i can actually understand him unlike with villigran (who was a good teacher, it's just that he presumed that we knew some things which i didn't know). only problem was that i had to lug around a bible (2u maths summary for yr 11 &12), lots of random sheets and HSC and SC questions and random notes from here and there and a notebook with so much crap and horrible scribbles that i can't even read for the whole day around castle mall, towers and parra. and it was a pity he didn't buy us free pizza... T^T

oh yeah! it was really awkward when we were eating free yogurt they were giving out while waiting for shirley who had diahroa. sandy had to hold to this massive box containing a bear and a box set of Dr Who books (for dinusha) while eating her yogurt and although the put the box on the ground, she still held onto the books and held it in this really unconfortable position between her elbows while eating and apparently some hot asian fob was half staring half laughing at her (i didn't personally see because he was behind me).

~Jo ... and for those who are cool? and go to CS (cornerstone, not counterstrike) 'Have a nice day, Have a nice life, goodbye!'

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

nooooooooooo! i was reading the new ohshc chapter and i can't believe the ideal haruhi has appeared! and right after tono was getting closer to haruhi!!!!!!!! rawr! and i really really really wanna know whether tamaki will stay with the ideal haruhi after she confessed or run after haruhi. stupid haruhi! but it was pretty funny. the last few chapters with the whole kidnapping thing was really boring (except for the ootoro ring -laughs-)

back to reality... today we got to go walking (after two weeks of cancelled sport due to rain) and we went to towers (where i met auntie eudora and uncle desmond who deva thought might have been my parents... =="). since sandy didn't have enough money i bought her her ezyway and redeemed my own with points. because it was free i wanted to be asian and benefit as much as i could so i got a large (obviously with topping...). peach with milk tea! ^^ (mango relish tea with rainbow jelly is also nice cuz i sampled nearly everyone's ezyway). anyway, i'd always get regular so large was pretty challenging and i did manage to finish it but i felt really sick after that... i was talking to ted on the way back and i can't believe that he'd had TWO large ezyways before he felt sick... -sighs-

just for the record... dumplings ('shirley's dumplings') are like the best cure for ezyway sickness! ... i think. well it is for me anyway

~Jo (sorry i haven't been posting ^^')

Thursday, September 25, 2008

well, i finally got my money back, which i wasn't expecting, but it wasn't as satisfying as i thought it would be because i suspect that the money came from the school and not the person whom i'm 98% sure is the was the culprit cuz she was so sussed. anyway, erin must be so happy to have gotten her money and love life back!

i really really really hope i can go to ningbo as a transfer for a few weeks next year! ^^ lots of my friends also want to go so it'll be like a baulko yr 10 invasion! it'll be so interesting to stay with my host. hopefull the cost won't be too much cuz it's not during peak period and it's china... it sucks staying in an isolated continent that's so far from everything... ==" -sighs-

and i'm so jealous that all these ppls are going to japan and i'm not!!!! -cry- but at least i'll go to singapore and see my relatives!

i'll upload pictures soon! sorry i'm so lazy, but that's just the way i am and the school holidays are coming up so this blog should be updated by then. i do have videos and pictures of the softball game yesterday with the baulko teachers vs the yr 12 students. i don't actually know who won but the point is that we got to bludge a period of pdm and a period of maths! (the fact that we got to go to towers and yeli and i got ezyway and i found a new favourite combination really made my day)


Friday, September 19, 2008

zomg~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stupid baulko yr 12 curry chick (whom i know the name of now, and shall not expose it for the sake of the little integrity she may have) who stole erin and my money!!!!! money that was going to help the cost of the vball trip to melbourne and my bro's birthday present!!!!! and what more, that girl actually GLARED!!! at me and erin, more me than erin cuz i acutally made eye contact with her when we were passing each other in the quadragle. how dare she! glare at me and steal my money! naturally, i reported this to the principal this morning and we pointed her out from the school photos. at that time i had told her that i was not sure but after seeing her in person again, i was definitely sure it was her. ALL THE EVIDENCE POINTS TO HER!!!!!! (i skipped band for this) erin's mum was there too, speaking to the principal when i'd gotten to school

at lunch, we (erin and i) went to the principal to ask her about the situation now and she said that she'd spoken to the girl and that she was denying that she took out money. because i'd spoken to pigram during lunchtime as well, she told me later that she was had accidentally heard something that might help our case. she wouldn't tell us what but she said that we could ask around the other yr 12s. i didn't actually hear this but erin told me later when she'd asked mrs pigram. erin's theory is that she was wagging school or something of the sort. it's pretty crap that cuz she's yr 12, we only have a week to prove this since she'll have left the school by then. let's just hope she doesn't wag the last week... -sighs-

sometimes, i just wonder... why me? why erin? why then? why do people like these exist? then i answer myself... it's because Kira doesn't exist...


Thursday, September 18, 2008

WTH!? some yr 12 curry chick stole money from erin, dinusha and I during pass!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $190 and a wallet altogether!!!!!!!!!!!! (this money includes chocolate fundraising money for the vball melbourne trip)! i know it was her cuz i saw her when erin and i went to get some water and put away her watch. she was standing over our bags and that's why i went to check all my valuables which were still there but i didn't think to check inside my wallet. later she asked for a pad and i apologised cuz i didn't have one on me cuz my bag was in the locker. i freaking APOLOGISED to that female dog!

A very aggravated ~Jo

Thursday, September 11, 2008

zomg~~~~! i'm soooo tired and i didn't even go for duke of ed (and please don't ask me why because i really can't be bothered with things anymore and i hated the toilets there and was so relieved to have got back to civilisation after yr 9 camp at somerset that i cannot imagine paying to go back again willingly)

ballet for 2 1/2 hours today was worse than usual (no thanks to the crappy stretching class Gassen taught). at least i wasn't yelled at or anything but my legs were fully shaking after an intensive 80mins of pointe first up, followed by a free enchainement adage exercise (aka slow, painful, impromptu exercise), and a very painful stretch on the ground for our arabesque backs in which i was laughing most of the time because i'm so sensitive and ticklish... well, at least ms rowe said that except for about four things, my study was good and i have grasped continous foetae pirouettes ondedon. (sorry for the excessive use of french words)

it was quite funny for ms rowe to watch us all bend our backs in pain like old women. it would've been funny if it weren't for the fact that i was in pain and very tired. oh, apparently i look like i practise at home (although i don't even do ANY practise out of class) so i guess it's a pretty good talent to get better without doing anything at all...

anyways, i'm too tired to think about what i'm typing while enjoying Haru Haru by Big Bang (note to erin: listen to big bang songs other than always, you're not considered a hard core fan for just liking ONE song) ==""""

this is our lovely couple jantony >.>

and this is what i have to put up with all the time... =="

walking with Hill (with energy and life!) was better than i expected probs cuz all my friends were in my group ^^. i took a lot of pics on my phone and ran out of space T^T. to amuse ourselves, we swapped identities and it started out with;

Martin ~ Jolene
Deva ~ Sandra

Anthony ~ Yeli
Sandra ~ Martin

Yeli ~ Deva
Jolene ~ Anthony

and then it changed to like jasmin 1, 2, 3 and antony 1, 2, 3 (this doesn't include the real jantony)

Poor Yeli was feeling sick at the end of our walk and when we went to towers. hope she's better now. i tried erin's recommenda
tion of green apple milk tea with rainbow jelly at ezyway. IT'S REALLY GOOD!!!!! >< For more pics! (which i shall upload soon) ^^V look at the bottom of my blog, on top of the parra pics


Monday, September 8, 2008

i'm so tired... ==" have been for a long time now... i'm not looking for pity but i've been whining about how i had to carry two flutes, an alto sax and two maths txtbooks on top of the folder and bag i was already carrying.

barnsley told concert band today that we have to play in the stupid orange blossom festival (a total waste of time and energy) in band uniform. luckily we only have to get there at 7:30pm so i have time to eat dinner although today, i also promised yeli that i would go to towers with her this sunday as well cuz i forgot about band. she wants to get her ears pierced along with me (although she said if i didn't want to i could just give her moral support) and get earrings at diva. we were talking about this in science and erin heard me saying that i didn't want to get my ears pierced in Australia cuz it's more expensive and the earrings might not be of the same quality than in singapore, and she said that i shouldn't get my ears pierced in singapore cuz belzy got one of her ears pierced in hk and it got infected. i tried to tell her that hk is not the same as singapore and singapore is like the cleanest place ever and is way cheaper cuz things in australia are such a rip, but she's stubborn as always and still holds her naive view on ear piercing.


Sunday, September 7, 2008

yay!!! ^^V Joe Helg is now the official youth pastor of my church!!!!!! he brought his entire family today and according to Joe, i'm the first one to see his entire family. well, that makes my bro the second one. Joe's youngest kid = kawaiiiiiiii! ><

i skipped going to see that ship that's nearly as old as the Titanic cuz of latin and pdm ==""" my dad got pissed (on Fathers' Day) cuz i said i couldn't go with them cuz of school work and i was watching gokusen 2 yesterday. well, in the end, i get the house to myself for today ^^'


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Zettai Kareshi

zomg~~~~! i finally finished zettai kareshi (live drama) even though i'd started it at the start of the year! i kept on getting distracted with other dramas, but i was bored so i watched the last 3 eps. waaaaah! i wasn't expecting to cry because i'd already read the manga and was prepared for the really really sad ending (so i didn't cry at the very very end), but since the drama is considerably different to the manga, i still cried near the end when namikiri shows riiko the video that night made before he 'died'. if you haven't watched or read zettai kareshi, you should!!!! ><

i still can't get over the fact that riiko only kissed night in the last ep, ep11!!!!


i really didn't want night to die but it probably was the best way to end it and i'm not one for happy endings. like happy is good but after a while, it's sickening that everything has a 'happy ending' so it was really good. what took me by surprise and made me cry was when night took riiko's scarf with him and as i mentioned already, the video bit.

woah! this year's band tour has caused so many ppl to get facebook accounts and blogs! o.O


Saturday, August 30, 2008

i wasted an hour of my life at cs today not including the time it takes to get ready, get there and wait for the lesson to begin and get home again. some random uni student who was dumb beyond belief was 'teaching' us today and he talked and explained like we were primary school kids and he wasn't sure of himself cuz he kept pausing to look at us to see if he was wrong or something. his stupidity was actually funny at times and it was quite hard to control my laughter at the picture i drew of him that exaggerated his mohawk like hair and his glasses. he also admitted that he'd gotten dumber since he was our age so then how could he teach us? i learnt nothing today. if that's me, a yr 9, then what about the other ppl who are actually in yr 10? oh, our usual science teacher is hospitalized with some complicated flu or something but they said that they weren't sure exactly what it is. yeli think that it's because she held gamma in her palm before.

friday pd and latin was really funny in a weird way cuz jonothan (still can't get over the fact that HE has a girlfriend!?!?!!!!!) and james kwon were laughing hysterically. the only difference is that we were laughing at jonothan and laughing with james. lol -pulls skin at side of eyes in an imitation of james-

at the beginning of latin we were hoping for a showdown between pigram and jones (pigram would definitely win if that happened ^^V). too bad it didn't happen because ruben decided to walk through our classroom and that distracted mr jones. so in the end the teachers were just debating what to do with ruben. it would have been cool if he had joined our class for the day cuz we were missing kapilan and sandy and so we were down to eight ppl.

penny's house was soooooooo cool! and she had so many cute things in her room!!!!! >< i took pics on my phone of the artworks she hung up in this corridor. they looked really really pro! james (penny's little bro) played with us the whole day on singstar and wiisports. the only casualty (once again, i'm accident prone) being when he came to see what we were watching on the laptop and forgot he was so close when he started to play again, hence he hit me in the glasses and face. i was actually more worried for my glasses than for my face... =="" it's good being able to understand canto and speak mando cuz i could actually understand what penny's family was saying and i could communicate back. poor yeli... the only non-chinese there.

after that, we left for TRIVIA NIGHT!!!!! it was really fun (even though it wasn't asian at all) and because anthony's name was drawn for the raffle, he and i got a cd each. i get one cuz i invited him. ^^V we had a 'baulko team' that was called tim bailey, as in the weather reporter, cuz it was the nameplate at our table (why did you choose that table anthony and deva?) besides the baulko ppl from yr. 9 (so this doesn't include my bro and roger) we had jono and alex(who ditched us at the end) everyone kept asking us why we were in school uniform!!!!!!! i was in uniform cuz i went to penny's house straight after school and so did yeli but yeli came up with an idea (which i agreed to) that we should all wear school uniform. btw, it was really funny cuz deva was the only curry there and we decided to tell everyone that he was half african and half asian and that his name was Darren. we epik phailed the trivia cuz it was trivia that all these older (20+?) ppl knew. T^T so we came 2nd! ...last -sobs-


Thursday, August 28, 2008

waaaaaaah! -cries- for 2 1/2 hours, my shoes were rubbing against my blister cuz my bandaid moved T^T. it really kills... -sniffle-
i still can't believe i went to towers to get an ezyway instead of having a barbeque at school... even though they were just cheapo sausages and cake from coles ==". it was fun anyway even though they were basically all guys except for lucy and florence (whom i don't really hang with). like i said, i only got an ezyway at towers because
a) there was no time to shop
b) i wasn't planning on shopping

i wore converses too so i got a blister on my right heel =="" and later today, i have to suffer 2 1/2 hours of ballet ==""".

science was bad cuz the classroom stank of something inside the ohp (i don't get why tripolone has to use the old ohp instead of the laser one!!! so old fashioned!) so we wanted to move classrooms but we weren't allowed to so tripolone turned on the fans. it did smell a lot less bad but it was so cold!! like lucy said, fans in winter!?
now i have so many sheets floating everywhere cuz i took the multitude of science sheets for shirley, bryan, anthea and william who are all on band tour as well as sheets from pdm for sandy who is also on band tour ==" -sighs-

oh, and right now, i'm using my laptop in my room and the sun's coming in my window and reflecting off some dvds i left exposed and is creating a really pretty rainbow on the back of my laptop. i'll upload pics of it when i feel like it.


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Last Friends

I started to watch Last Friends yesterday night though i had read the blurb before. yeli said it was good so i watched it.

it's so addictive! >< i really really feel sorry for Michiru and everytime i watch it, i get really emotional ^^'. half the time, i'm like covering my face cuz i'm so freaked out at what's going to happen. Nishikido Ryo was in it and he played Asou in 1 litre of tears. i preferred his character as asou better cuz he's really caring. ikeuchi and asou made a good pair <3! ryo's character, sousuke, in Last Friends was like Asou at the beginning but then he turns all emo and abusive! T^T!!!!! anyways, i won't spoil it cuz it's so good (though not my favourite drama cuz it's so anxty)


Saturday, August 23, 2008

last night during YITH cell group, Julie brought some jumbo playing cards that cost $2 from the reject shop. we played some game that she had created. it's too long to explain but i can't believe dora managed to convince me to give up a king which was the tied highest card in that particular game! T^T it was fun but because of it we only finished at 10:45pm

i was watching some random korean drama from sharmaine and alethea's mum, Auntie Shirley today called couple of trouble. surprisingly, it's pretty good. gokusen 2 will just have to wait then...

sometimes i just hate sax lessons cuz i didn't practise or because i miss out on going to towers with yeli and sandy after cs, like today.


Thursday, August 21, 2008

pass was a bludge today. ez and i were randomly shooting a basketball and ms. udugahapththuwa, viv and jen were 'playing' hockey. in the end, i decided to just lie down on the court since i was so bored and sleepy... in the end, don, viv, jen and dinusha (udugahapaththuwa) joined us and we were just lying in a heap of five girls... it was quite fun since it was a nice change from a hectic high school lifestyle. well, it was until erin went hysteric and started to laugh uncontrollably and make everyone vibrate... ==" stupid guys who were on the other side of the bball court just took off their hoop and left it there along with the balls and didn't even help us take down the other hoop. how irresponsible. -shakes head- so i ended taking out the hoop. it was quite scary actually, not for me, for jen and viv who were holding my ladder straight cuz i could've dropped the hoop on their heads.

we had our latin test today. it was half of a surprise cuz we were warned that we would be having a vocab test on chapters 17-25 but we weren't told when. so we got it today and no one studied, but some people like owen are just good at vocab anyways so he got 54/90. what a beast! you might think that that's such a low mark but in that particular latin test, hardly anyone got over 50%. i was really happy cuz i passed - just. i got 45/90~! yay! ^^V btw, i didn't study and it was really hard so this is a really good mark for me. i even beat the guy who got 99% for his half yearly report mark for latin (btw, i only got 88%, and the average was 91%). he only got 41/90 so i'm really happy about that! ^^


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Penny's 15th b'day!!!!! ^^

woah! penny's so old! we (random girls from various groups) threw her a party at school, today at lunch! i was a last minute invite and i actually had mini baguettes cuz i brought it to eat in the afternoon during bludge sport. i was intending on stealing some chocolate from the b'day present i gave her, which was lindt chocolate but there was fererro roche so i was happy anyway... from what i heard, penny got a tiara from her parents, a three star cluster ring from diva (not deva), happy capsule pills from yeli and chocolate from me! ^^

oh, and Julia was very happy with her little asian bakery plastic bag that Penny gave to her.



Tuesday, August 19, 2008

i now have a total of five assignments; english, pdm, pass, history and geography... i don't know if i should join the volleyball team just cuz stez and erin want me to... i might feel inferior cuz eveyone else has been training for the past 2 and a half years. i did do a decent overarm serve before but i nearly decapitated erin twice. and the offer is so sudden and mr drew doesn't even know about this yet so if i want to join i have to talk to him, and although he's not scary, i don't really want to talk to him... ==" stez and ez asked my today but i have to decide by tomorrow! waaah! ><>

Monday, August 18, 2008

i actually managed to wake up today for band!!!!!!! but it's so gay that even though i was one of the first few to arrive at school, i still got a late note that says that i was late for no reason because i had to help pack up the band stuff AND set up the tables and chairs for the HSC trials... and they put no reason because all the office ladies hate the band members because we're always late cuz band always ends late and the office ladies are fat, blonde and lazy (sorry if i sound racist but the fact that they are fat and lazy has nothing to do with them being blonde...). well at least i skipped out on most of assembly...

today was also my first concert band practice. it was pretty good but i felt so crap sitting next to shirley (who's a temporary first alto sax) cuz she's so pro and sorta knows the songs already and have practised them when i haven't... ==" btw, i started late cuz i had to audition late cuz of some ulcer i got from getting hit in the face during a basketball game.

photography was cool cuz we're doing the darkroom semester and we were taking all these pinhole photos. mine turned out okay but it wasn't anything really outstanding cuz it was a bit too dark and no one was posing in a really unique or awkward position to make it funny unlike sandy's and betty's. i finished my positive for my collage and my three teststrips which is good but i don't think i'm quite done with pinhole yet... well hopper set the deadline today. everything's due next monday. well, i can't really complain since we got an extension of one and a half weeks. well we really needed the extension since it was impossible for anyone in the class to have finished by that time cuz when the assignment was supposed to be due, we'd hardly started anything in the darkroom. i just hope i'll be able to fill the minimum of six A3 journal pages of research and trials and errors.


Sunday, August 17, 2008

-sighs- i'm so tired... the stupid cruise was so boring and cold as. the 'bbq seafood lunch' consisted of mostly chicken... ==" it went on for two hours. i was so bored i even studied my latin textbook. don't ask why i had my latin with me. well, it wasn't too bad cuz i managed to get two shirts from forcast today. dinner sucked. and worse of all. for all this i skipped toni's b'day party. i really really wanted to go but it was too troublesome for my family and sandy's family... it's nearly 7pm and i feel like sleeping. although i feel sleepy and have to wake up for concert band tomoz i'll still end up sleeping at midnight just to do my work (while constantly getting distracted).


Friday, August 15, 2008

For anyone who watched the mens gymnastics olympics should have seen kohei uchimura! >< it just so happened that whenever i was watching the gymnastics they were showing kohei uchimura! it's too bad that his event last year only earned him silver and not gold. some chinese guy, yang wei got gold. his reaction to getting gold was a little odd, kind of retarded... erin and i were talking about the olympics during pass today cuz we're doing a boring and tedious assignment on it and we started to talk about him. turns out she also likes him and thinks he's really cute! ^^ erin was google imaging for good pics of him but there weren't any D= it was all pics of yang wei... later on in latin, jasmin (who isn't fob) actually thought he was really hot as well!!! when sandy found out we were talking about kohei uchimura she was omg~! as well!


Thursday, August 14, 2008

yay! thursday's over! thursday's used to be my favourite day, but now theory pass (physical acticity and sports science) is getting worse and ballet was extended from one and half hours to two and a half... ==' but there was good news today that we're going to waves for theory pass next week! yay~!

ballet today wasn't as tiring as some days but still bad... i'm either accident prone or just plain dumb (i prefer to think of myself as accident prone) but i managed to injure myself three times during the lesson ==". first there was this bruise on my foot from tuesday because i kept jumping on it... and i kept jumping on it again tonight... -sighs- the second was when we were doing double pirouettes and i swung my hands (probably too fast for a double) and hit sayaka's hand. she was behind me so i really couldn't have done anything... it made a really loud sound though and my hand was white and red for a while. the third was when i walked into one end of a barre (a metal pole parralel to the floor). i can't really complain because jessica sprained her foot when she was doing pirouettes in arabesque...

other than getting injured, i found that my demi-pointes' satin is breaking! and this is at the top. i think it's because it's at the spot where i keep stepping on my foot. it's breaking at another spot as well... it's like two months to the exam and i have to get NEW DEEMI POINTES!!!!!!!!!! i may need new pointes too... -sigh- it takes forever and a lot of pain and discomfort to break them in. D=

At double science today, shirley and yoosung were so cute! yoosung was full staring and laughing at shirley and making her all embarrased. well, i didn't actually notice it until erin pointed it out to me, which kind of brought back memories of a time around two weeks ago before pe. nikki, shirley, yoosung and i were walking to the hall when yoosung started to pester shirley with random comments... i don't remember very well... then shirley tried to brush him off. i have no idea as to whether this was real or just a tease but he started to say 'wo ai ni' (chinese for i love you) in a really crappy accent. apparently, shirley's been avoiding him ever since... lol poor shirley... -pats-

nikki was being random during lunch today because she was having a normal convo with shirley when she suddenly screams and runs away... ==" after she managed to calm down, she told us she freaked cuz she saw two birds having sex...

i epik (i didn't spell epic wrong) failed my latin test which we got back today. well, not really but i didn't do my best i don't think... i only studied that day cuz i didn't have any time before. lucky it was the last period of the day! it was a seen translation and grammar analysis. at least i got full marks in the seen translation but i only got 15/23!!!!!!! for the grammar analysis. well, at least i beat sandy who basically always beats me in grammar analysis... but it's depressing that anthony, geertheken and kapilan all got full marks in both sections T_T. i got three pigram heads for this test so now i have 28 unclaimed pigram heads = 5.6 green latin merits.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Debu Note

kyahahahahahahahahas! zomg~! Debu Note is the parody of Death Note. according to miho, debu means fat. basically, it's this guy who's a fat version of yagami light (who reminds me of super junior's shindong) who has this note that makes ppl whose names are written in in become fat! lol! it's a bit wtf at first but don't watch this unless you've read or watched death note.


New OHSHC chapter!!!

zomg~! it's a new ouran high school host club chapter! chapter 63! it's been a while...

initially, for the past... maybe five chapters, i felt that it was getting draggy, but this chapter really interested me and ends with a cliffhanger! >< argh! i can't wait till the next chapter!


I loved the ootori ring!!! it's such a tamaki thing to do! haruhi's outburst when tamaki was apologizing about acting as her father all this while was really random... i'm glad that the manga is improving again because i was getting worried that the standard was dropping.

I personally don't have a specific preference for who haruhi should end up with but i never really liked the twins to be involved in the romance even though jen likes the hikaru x haruhi pair... there's more development between tamaki and haruhi in this chapter! i really thought that tamaki was going to kiss haruhi! -sighs- but it didn't happen... Still a really good chapter!

For those of you who have no idea what i'm talking about... you seriously should go to and read ouran high school host club!


Url and Name Change

I changed the url and name of my blog after one day... -sighs- Daikonkun came from the white radish diary i got from morning glory on sunday.

the current url may change again cuz i don't know what to settle on... so pls take the poll~! ^^ kahmsahamnida! (random korean)


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Heyy! This is my new blog!

Heyy! ^^V I got bored so i made this blog! I always get stumped when it comes to naming things so i decided to just use Yeli, Sandy and My unofficial band's name... JES = Jolene, Elle (Yeli's stage name) and Sandy = Joyful Elegant Sweet. This isn't really our name, just a brainstorm for a name... We were debating using SEJ (super energetic juniors) but SEJ sounded like sejuti so that was crossed out...

Anyways, it's so sad that my first blog is going to be a hate blog... i got really really pissed at one of my ballet teachers today, the retarded male one. To cut the long antagonizing story short, he bullied me in front of like 30ppls, and is alive at this very moment only because i have enough integrity and pride to not punch an approx. 60year old man, over an extremely petty matter like me asking if it was okay to open a stupid window because i felt like passing out because of the excessive output of carbon dioxide into the small space of one small room from approx. 30dancers jumping around.

Mind you, if i may say so myself, i was polite in asking him even after he ignored me twice. he blamed the problems that came from him opening the window unnecessarily wide just to spite me, on me.

Just to add to the disgust i feel for this man, he (again) blamed a fallen cup of coffee on me because the wind was too strong (obviously cuz he opened the window so wide! -rolls eyes-) and said that if anyone wanted some coffee, they could lick it up from the floor. Sayaka (being the nice person she is) got some tissues to wipe it up. In response to this, Gassen (oh, i forgot to mention his name before) called her a beauty and kissed her on her hand! SERIOUSLY GROSS!!!!!! Sayaka: -wipes hand- oh, btw, Gassen lives in a delusion where he exists as Brad Pitt. just for the record, he only hates me cuz i have mind of my own and have the guts to voice it, the rest, he tries to seduce them. think about it. an approx. 60year old man trying to seduce 10-17? year old girls!!!!!!!! Dx

He's ruining my future ballet career! =0 ... not like there was a future for me in ballet in the first place... =="
