Thursday, September 11, 2008

zomg~~~~! i'm soooo tired and i didn't even go for duke of ed (and please don't ask me why because i really can't be bothered with things anymore and i hated the toilets there and was so relieved to have got back to civilisation after yr 9 camp at somerset that i cannot imagine paying to go back again willingly)

ballet for 2 1/2 hours today was worse than usual (no thanks to the crappy stretching class Gassen taught). at least i wasn't yelled at or anything but my legs were fully shaking after an intensive 80mins of pointe first up, followed by a free enchainement adage exercise (aka slow, painful, impromptu exercise), and a very painful stretch on the ground for our arabesque backs in which i was laughing most of the time because i'm so sensitive and ticklish... well, at least ms rowe said that except for about four things, my study was good and i have grasped continous foetae pirouettes ondedon. (sorry for the excessive use of french words)

it was quite funny for ms rowe to watch us all bend our backs in pain like old women. it would've been funny if it weren't for the fact that i was in pain and very tired. oh, apparently i look like i practise at home (although i don't even do ANY practise out of class) so i guess it's a pretty good talent to get better without doing anything at all...

anyways, i'm too tired to think about what i'm typing while enjoying Haru Haru by Big Bang (note to erin: listen to big bang songs other than always, you're not considered a hard core fan for just liking ONE song) ==""""


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