Friday, September 19, 2008

zomg~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stupid baulko yr 12 curry chick (whom i know the name of now, and shall not expose it for the sake of the little integrity she may have) who stole erin and my money!!!!! money that was going to help the cost of the vball trip to melbourne and my bro's birthday present!!!!! and what more, that girl actually GLARED!!! at me and erin, more me than erin cuz i acutally made eye contact with her when we were passing each other in the quadragle. how dare she! glare at me and steal my money! naturally, i reported this to the principal this morning and we pointed her out from the school photos. at that time i had told her that i was not sure but after seeing her in person again, i was definitely sure it was her. ALL THE EVIDENCE POINTS TO HER!!!!!! (i skipped band for this) erin's mum was there too, speaking to the principal when i'd gotten to school

at lunch, we (erin and i) went to the principal to ask her about the situation now and she said that she'd spoken to the girl and that she was denying that she took out money. because i'd spoken to pigram during lunchtime as well, she told me later that she was had accidentally heard something that might help our case. she wouldn't tell us what but she said that we could ask around the other yr 12s. i didn't actually hear this but erin told me later when she'd asked mrs pigram. erin's theory is that she was wagging school or something of the sort. it's pretty crap that cuz she's yr 12, we only have a week to prove this since she'll have left the school by then. let's just hope she doesn't wag the last week... -sighs-

sometimes, i just wonder... why me? why erin? why then? why do people like these exist? then i answer myself... it's because Kira doesn't exist...


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