Thursday, August 21, 2008

pass was a bludge today. ez and i were randomly shooting a basketball and ms. udugahapththuwa, viv and jen were 'playing' hockey. in the end, i decided to just lie down on the court since i was so bored and sleepy... in the end, don, viv, jen and dinusha (udugahapaththuwa) joined us and we were just lying in a heap of five girls... it was quite fun since it was a nice change from a hectic high school lifestyle. well, it was until erin went hysteric and started to laugh uncontrollably and make everyone vibrate... ==" stupid guys who were on the other side of the bball court just took off their hoop and left it there along with the balls and didn't even help us take down the other hoop. how irresponsible. -shakes head- so i ended taking out the hoop. it was quite scary actually, not for me, for jen and viv who were holding my ladder straight cuz i could've dropped the hoop on their heads.

we had our latin test today. it was half of a surprise cuz we were warned that we would be having a vocab test on chapters 17-25 but we weren't told when. so we got it today and no one studied, but some people like owen are just good at vocab anyways so he got 54/90. what a beast! you might think that that's such a low mark but in that particular latin test, hardly anyone got over 50%. i was really happy cuz i passed - just. i got 45/90~! yay! ^^V btw, i didn't study and it was really hard so this is a really good mark for me. i even beat the guy who got 99% for his half yearly report mark for latin (btw, i only got 88%, and the average was 91%). he only got 41/90 so i'm really happy about that! ^^


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