Saturday, August 30, 2008

i wasted an hour of my life at cs today not including the time it takes to get ready, get there and wait for the lesson to begin and get home again. some random uni student who was dumb beyond belief was 'teaching' us today and he talked and explained like we were primary school kids and he wasn't sure of himself cuz he kept pausing to look at us to see if he was wrong or something. his stupidity was actually funny at times and it was quite hard to control my laughter at the picture i drew of him that exaggerated his mohawk like hair and his glasses. he also admitted that he'd gotten dumber since he was our age so then how could he teach us? i learnt nothing today. if that's me, a yr 9, then what about the other ppl who are actually in yr 10? oh, our usual science teacher is hospitalized with some complicated flu or something but they said that they weren't sure exactly what it is. yeli think that it's because she held gamma in her palm before.


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