Monday, August 18, 2008

i actually managed to wake up today for band!!!!!!! but it's so gay that even though i was one of the first few to arrive at school, i still got a late note that says that i was late for no reason because i had to help pack up the band stuff AND set up the tables and chairs for the HSC trials... and they put no reason because all the office ladies hate the band members because we're always late cuz band always ends late and the office ladies are fat, blonde and lazy (sorry if i sound racist but the fact that they are fat and lazy has nothing to do with them being blonde...). well at least i skipped out on most of assembly...

today was also my first concert band practice. it was pretty good but i felt so crap sitting next to shirley (who's a temporary first alto sax) cuz she's so pro and sorta knows the songs already and have practised them when i haven't... ==" btw, i started late cuz i had to audition late cuz of some ulcer i got from getting hit in the face during a basketball game.

photography was cool cuz we're doing the darkroom semester and we were taking all these pinhole photos. mine turned out okay but it wasn't anything really outstanding cuz it was a bit too dark and no one was posing in a really unique or awkward position to make it funny unlike sandy's and betty's. i finished my positive for my collage and my three teststrips which is good but i don't think i'm quite done with pinhole yet... well hopper set the deadline today. everything's due next monday. well, i can't really complain since we got an extension of one and a half weeks. well we really needed the extension since it was impossible for anyone in the class to have finished by that time cuz when the assignment was supposed to be due, we'd hardly started anything in the darkroom. i just hope i'll be able to fill the minimum of six A3 journal pages of research and trials and errors.


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