Saturday, December 6, 2008

Uroboros no Wa

'What's really scary is hurting, hating and doubting someone, and thinking that as long as it's good for you, it doesn't really matter what happens to someone else - a selfish heart. From a superficial impression, one could easily think that the Uroboros' Circle is creepy, but actually, it's used as a symbol that depicts a pure and complete shape with neither a beginning nor an end. The mathematics symbol for infinity, the infinity mark, is also said to be derived from the Uroboros' Circle...'

zomg! it's such a creepy manga. i seriously had goosebumps the whole time i was reading it. if you can take scary stuff, i seriously recommend you read it. but do take my advice and don't read it at night which is what i did and i'm going to read some shoujo manga or watch some hot shot to neutralise my fear -shudders-


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