Thursday, September 25, 2008

well, i finally got my money back, which i wasn't expecting, but it wasn't as satisfying as i thought it would be because i suspect that the money came from the school and not the person whom i'm 98% sure is the was the culprit cuz she was so sussed. anyway, erin must be so happy to have gotten her money and love life back!

i really really really hope i can go to ningbo as a transfer for a few weeks next year! ^^ lots of my friends also want to go so it'll be like a baulko yr 10 invasion! it'll be so interesting to stay with my host. hopefull the cost won't be too much cuz it's not during peak period and it's china... it sucks staying in an isolated continent that's so far from everything... ==" -sighs-

and i'm so jealous that all these ppls are going to japan and i'm not!!!! -cry- but at least i'll go to singapore and see my relatives!

i'll upload pictures soon! sorry i'm so lazy, but that's just the way i am and the school holidays are coming up so this blog should be updated by then. i do have videos and pictures of the softball game yesterday with the baulko teachers vs the yr 12 students. i don't actually know who won but the point is that we got to bludge a period of pdm and a period of maths! (the fact that we got to go to towers and yeli and i got ezyway and i found a new favourite combination really made my day)


Friday, September 19, 2008

zomg~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stupid baulko yr 12 curry chick (whom i know the name of now, and shall not expose it for the sake of the little integrity she may have) who stole erin and my money!!!!! money that was going to help the cost of the vball trip to melbourne and my bro's birthday present!!!!! and what more, that girl actually GLARED!!! at me and erin, more me than erin cuz i acutally made eye contact with her when we were passing each other in the quadragle. how dare she! glare at me and steal my money! naturally, i reported this to the principal this morning and we pointed her out from the school photos. at that time i had told her that i was not sure but after seeing her in person again, i was definitely sure it was her. ALL THE EVIDENCE POINTS TO HER!!!!!! (i skipped band for this) erin's mum was there too, speaking to the principal when i'd gotten to school

at lunch, we (erin and i) went to the principal to ask her about the situation now and she said that she'd spoken to the girl and that she was denying that she took out money. because i'd spoken to pigram during lunchtime as well, she told me later that she was had accidentally heard something that might help our case. she wouldn't tell us what but she said that we could ask around the other yr 12s. i didn't actually hear this but erin told me later when she'd asked mrs pigram. erin's theory is that she was wagging school or something of the sort. it's pretty crap that cuz she's yr 12, we only have a week to prove this since she'll have left the school by then. let's just hope she doesn't wag the last week... -sighs-

sometimes, i just wonder... why me? why erin? why then? why do people like these exist? then i answer myself... it's because Kira doesn't exist...


Thursday, September 18, 2008

WTH!? some yr 12 curry chick stole money from erin, dinusha and I during pass!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $190 and a wallet altogether!!!!!!!!!!!! (this money includes chocolate fundraising money for the vball melbourne trip)! i know it was her cuz i saw her when erin and i went to get some water and put away her watch. she was standing over our bags and that's why i went to check all my valuables which were still there but i didn't think to check inside my wallet. later she asked for a pad and i apologised cuz i didn't have one on me cuz my bag was in the locker. i freaking APOLOGISED to that female dog!

A very aggravated ~Jo

Thursday, September 11, 2008

zomg~~~~! i'm soooo tired and i didn't even go for duke of ed (and please don't ask me why because i really can't be bothered with things anymore and i hated the toilets there and was so relieved to have got back to civilisation after yr 9 camp at somerset that i cannot imagine paying to go back again willingly)

ballet for 2 1/2 hours today was worse than usual (no thanks to the crappy stretching class Gassen taught). at least i wasn't yelled at or anything but my legs were fully shaking after an intensive 80mins of pointe first up, followed by a free enchainement adage exercise (aka slow, painful, impromptu exercise), and a very painful stretch on the ground for our arabesque backs in which i was laughing most of the time because i'm so sensitive and ticklish... well, at least ms rowe said that except for about four things, my study was good and i have grasped continous foetae pirouettes ondedon. (sorry for the excessive use of french words)

it was quite funny for ms rowe to watch us all bend our backs in pain like old women. it would've been funny if it weren't for the fact that i was in pain and very tired. oh, apparently i look like i practise at home (although i don't even do ANY practise out of class) so i guess it's a pretty good talent to get better without doing anything at all...

anyways, i'm too tired to think about what i'm typing while enjoying Haru Haru by Big Bang (note to erin: listen to big bang songs other than always, you're not considered a hard core fan for just liking ONE song) ==""""

this is our lovely couple jantony >.>

and this is what i have to put up with all the time... =="

walking with Hill (with energy and life!) was better than i expected probs cuz all my friends were in my group ^^. i took a lot of pics on my phone and ran out of space T^T. to amuse ourselves, we swapped identities and it started out with;

Martin ~ Jolene
Deva ~ Sandra

Anthony ~ Yeli
Sandra ~ Martin

Yeli ~ Deva
Jolene ~ Anthony

and then it changed to like jasmin 1, 2, 3 and antony 1, 2, 3 (this doesn't include the real jantony)

Poor Yeli was feeling sick at the end of our walk and when we went to towers. hope she's better now. i tried erin's recommenda
tion of green apple milk tea with rainbow jelly at ezyway. IT'S REALLY GOOD!!!!! >< For more pics! (which i shall upload soon) ^^V look at the bottom of my blog, on top of the parra pics


Monday, September 8, 2008

i'm so tired... ==" have been for a long time now... i'm not looking for pity but i've been whining about how i had to carry two flutes, an alto sax and two maths txtbooks on top of the folder and bag i was already carrying.

barnsley told concert band today that we have to play in the stupid orange blossom festival (a total waste of time and energy) in band uniform. luckily we only have to get there at 7:30pm so i have time to eat dinner although today, i also promised yeli that i would go to towers with her this sunday as well cuz i forgot about band. she wants to get her ears pierced along with me (although she said if i didn't want to i could just give her moral support) and get earrings at diva. we were talking about this in science and erin heard me saying that i didn't want to get my ears pierced in Australia cuz it's more expensive and the earrings might not be of the same quality than in singapore, and she said that i shouldn't get my ears pierced in singapore cuz belzy got one of her ears pierced in hk and it got infected. i tried to tell her that hk is not the same as singapore and singapore is like the cleanest place ever and is way cheaper cuz things in australia are such a rip, but she's stubborn as always and still holds her naive view on ear piercing.


Sunday, September 7, 2008

yay!!! ^^V Joe Helg is now the official youth pastor of my church!!!!!! he brought his entire family today and according to Joe, i'm the first one to see his entire family. well, that makes my bro the second one. Joe's youngest kid = kawaiiiiiiii! ><

i skipped going to see that ship that's nearly as old as the Titanic cuz of latin and pdm ==""" my dad got pissed (on Fathers' Day) cuz i said i couldn't go with them cuz of school work and i was watching gokusen 2 yesterday. well, in the end, i get the house to myself for today ^^'


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Zettai Kareshi

zomg~~~~! i finally finished zettai kareshi (live drama) even though i'd started it at the start of the year! i kept on getting distracted with other dramas, but i was bored so i watched the last 3 eps. waaaaah! i wasn't expecting to cry because i'd already read the manga and was prepared for the really really sad ending (so i didn't cry at the very very end), but since the drama is considerably different to the manga, i still cried near the end when namikiri shows riiko the video that night made before he 'died'. if you haven't watched or read zettai kareshi, you should!!!! ><

i still can't get over the fact that riiko only kissed night in the last ep, ep11!!!!


i really didn't want night to die but it probably was the best way to end it and i'm not one for happy endings. like happy is good but after a while, it's sickening that everything has a 'happy ending' so it was really good. what took me by surprise and made me cry was when night took riiko's scarf with him and as i mentioned already, the video bit.

woah! this year's band tour has caused so many ppl to get facebook accounts and blogs! o.O
