Saturday, November 29, 2008

NOTE: everyone who sees shirley's phone has to carefully read what her phone charm says! ^^

aiyah! i can't believe Borders raised the price of the the cheaper ohshc manga to $16.50 instead of $15.99! well... i figured like a couple of weeks ago but it still irritates me! i mangaed to refrain from buying manga TWICE! wow! i'm so proud of myself! ^^v well, i'm really hoping that i can find good cheap manga in singapore and i'll be in heaven (: really, the only reason i buy from borders is because they're the only bookstore that sells decent manga and not one piece like dymocks! no offence to dymocks fans but i have had bad experience from dymocks staff (and other bookstores too) when i ordered a manga with no problems but when i went to pick it up they said that there was nothing by the name i gave and that they didn't sell graphic novels (manga) but they obviously had one piece aka graphic novels! and the person 'helping' me told me to try the NEWSAGENCY! WTF!? why would the newsagency sell manga?

well, anyways, max brenner was really good although i was expecting something... more? i don't know... it was pretty funny when we were all trying to pose with our hug mugs. it was sandy's treat and it was really nice although we had to sit outside and inhale passing vehicles' wastes and passive smoke... ==" i really hate smokers with a passion because they pollute the air around them and also cause others to inhale the disgusting fumes around them making them even more prone to diseases than them! i really hope that i never fall in love with someone who smokes because i'll... well, i don't know what i would do. at least it hasn't happened...? who cares?

for once in my life i'm actually enjoying coaching...! i lol at hoang. he's so crazy it's hilarious. i'm starting to feel slightly smarter cuz i can actually understand him unlike with villigran (who was a good teacher, it's just that he presumed that we knew some things which i didn't know). only problem was that i had to lug around a bible (2u maths summary for yr 11 &12), lots of random sheets and HSC and SC questions and random notes from here and there and a notebook with so much crap and horrible scribbles that i can't even read for the whole day around castle mall, towers and parra. and it was a pity he didn't buy us free pizza... T^T

oh yeah! it was really awkward when we were eating free yogurt they were giving out while waiting for shirley who had diahroa. sandy had to hold to this massive box containing a bear and a box set of Dr Who books (for dinusha) while eating her yogurt and although the put the box on the ground, she still held onto the books and held it in this really unconfortable position between her elbows while eating and apparently some hot asian fob was half staring half laughing at her (i didn't personally see because he was behind me).

~Jo ... and for those who are cool? and go to CS (cornerstone, not counterstrike) 'Have a nice day, Have a nice life, goodbye!'

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

nooooooooooo! i was reading the new ohshc chapter and i can't believe the ideal haruhi has appeared! and right after tono was getting closer to haruhi!!!!!!!! rawr! and i really really really wanna know whether tamaki will stay with the ideal haruhi after she confessed or run after haruhi. stupid haruhi! but it was pretty funny. the last few chapters with the whole kidnapping thing was really boring (except for the ootoro ring -laughs-)

back to reality... today we got to go walking (after two weeks of cancelled sport due to rain) and we went to towers (where i met auntie eudora and uncle desmond who deva thought might have been my parents... =="). since sandy didn't have enough money i bought her her ezyway and redeemed my own with points. because it was free i wanted to be asian and benefit as much as i could so i got a large (obviously with topping...). peach with milk tea! ^^ (mango relish tea with rainbow jelly is also nice cuz i sampled nearly everyone's ezyway). anyway, i'd always get regular so large was pretty challenging and i did manage to finish it but i felt really sick after that... i was talking to ted on the way back and i can't believe that he'd had TWO large ezyways before he felt sick... -sighs-

just for the record... dumplings ('shirley's dumplings') are like the best cure for ezyway sickness! ... i think. well it is for me anyway

~Jo (sorry i haven't been posting ^^')